Greetings WIXY Friends,
The cold air is upon us here in Northeast Ohio, but we're keeping things hot all year round! As much as we despise seeing holiday merchandise in stores ahead of Halloween and Thanksgiving, it is a good time to think about your holiday shopping lists - why not make things simple and visit our online store and check out all of our great merchandise, many with lowered prices?!
Of course, the cooler months mean spending more time indoors for most, so why not upgrade or tune-up your computers, or even get yourself a brand-new one to keep your eyes off of what's going on outside? Our lead sponsor, BGE Mobile Tech, has solutions for all of your computing needs - not to mention some help with buying and installing some kick butt speaker systems with that computer. All the better to listen to WIXY1260Online with and rattle the snow off your roofs this Winter :-) Visit today for your free, no hassle, no pressure consultation!
The ghosts and goblins are lurking this Halloween Season, but nothing is scarier than not being able to listen to your favorite music from the 60's & 70's (and our fun DJs) here at WIXY1260Online. Show those ghouls who is boss and rattle some bones with the best music ever recorded! Listening to WIXY1260Online is easier than many think and can be heard in far more places than those OTHER listening options - with no fees and no excessive ads (great when you're stuck in a scary castle or creepy basement).
- Website Listening Help:
- Listening Instructions:
- More Details:
Our mobile app is available in the Apple iTunes Store and the Google Play Store! The app is ad-free, easier to use, uses very little mobile data, and is completely free. Download it today and listen to us on the go!
- Apple App:
- Android App:
UPCOMING EVENTS (via our Happenings Page)
- Sunday, October, 28, 11 PM through Monday, October, 29, 11 AM: Jeff Strich Anniversary Marathon Show
- Friday, November 2, 7-11 PM: The Club House
- Friday, November 30, 7-11 PM: The Club House
- Friday, March 15, through Sunday, March 17, 2019: IX Piston Powered Auto Rama
Keep on rockin' & rollin' and have a safe and fun Howl-o-ween season! If you get too much candy, our monsters, err DJs, are always happy to take it off your hands :-) :-)
TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager, Webmaster & Communications Director
"ARCHIVED 4/8/19"