Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Newsletter 5/6/2020: Long Overdue Update - The Show Must Go On

Greetings WIXY Family,

We hope everyone is doing well and finding healthy ways to cope with the unprecedented situation facing us.  We're finding that many of you, and many new folks, are tuning into WIXY1260Online as a coping mechanism.  So, the toilet paper may be in short supply, but the best music ever recorded can always be found in plenty supply!  Thanks to everyone who has been tuning in and sending in those song requests - we always want to play what YOU want to hear.  

It's been a little over a month now that our Live Show lineup went into "survival" mode, or as our morning DJ, Jeff Strich, likes to call it, "DJs without borders."  A big thanks to our DJs for stepping up to work remotely to keep our live shows going as we put the studio into lockdown mode.  I am happy to report that, while this was a resounding success, we will be returning to the Studio on Friday, May 8th at 7:00 PM ET with Tony Z & The ChickenMan House Party.  Be assured that we are doing this in a safe manner and taking extraordinary steps in sanitizing the studio and enforcing social distancing measures.  We understand it may be a long time before things are semi-normal, but the feasibility of doing remote shows for an extended period of time is not practical given our programming needs.  Nonetheless, our team is committed to being diligent for the health and safety of all while returning to some sense of normalcy for our listeners.

Our regular show schedule is always available on our website's main page ( and we will post it on Facebook very soon.

At the end of last year, I announced we would be upgrading many technological components of our operations.  Despite the hurdles presented by COVID-19, things have gone as well as or better than we could have expected.  While some of the upgrades are not noticeable to our listeners, some upgrades should be.  We launched a new website in the last quarter of 2019 which improves mobile usability as well as download times by consuming less of your data.  Similarly, we launched new mobile apps that have been a resounding success.  The new apps are free and available for download in your app stores and were designed to keep you connected to us on the go while consuming even less data than our old mobile apps.  Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on our remodeled Production Office and my office too.  We've invested in new equipment and applications to make things more efficient, cost effective, and yes, more technologically sophisticated because at WIXY1260Online - The Future of Radio is Now!

Unfortunately, the pandemic forced us to cancel our appearance at this year's IX Piston Powered Auto-Rama as well as many of the events we love to see you at.  Please continue to tune in and visit the Happenings section of as things slowly come back online and we can once again commit to future events.  Two of the ways we pay for this station to operate at no cost to our listeners are through limited advertising and paid events.  Since events have been canceled indefinitely, we have had to be creative to keep the Station online.  A way you can help is to buy our Merchandise through the link on our website.  Proceeds from sales directly impact our bottom line and keep us as your best option for listening to this great music.  Thanks to everyone who has supported us through the years, we have no intention of giving up the ship anytime soon - we just love doing this too much!

Prior to the pandemic, we were fortunate to have visits from Larry Morrow and Cleveland's own, The Outsiders.  Needless to say, we had A LOT of fun and a lot of new listeners discovering what we've known all along.... fun radio is better than paid and corporate radio any day!  Let's keep it that way.  We are patiently waiting for the time to come that our friends from The Outsiders and other original WIXY 1260 AM DJ's can pay their visits (and yes, MORE LARRY MORROW!) - stay tuned, we'll let you know as details emerge.

A heartfelt thanks to everyone reading this and to all who have entered the Wild World of WIXY.  Our hearts and thoughts are with you, those effected, and those serving on the front lines during this pandemic.  

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay strong!

Much WIXY Love,


TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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