Friday, December 31, 2021

12/31/2021: 2021: Rock & Roll Reminders / Happy New Year!

Greetings to our WIXY friends & family!


Just a quick shout to let everyone know that at midnight tonight (12/31/21) our old streaming links will stop working and only the new streaming link will work.  To continue listening please visit our New Listen Page.

For more info about our recent changes and what to expect going forward, please read our recent Newsletter and stay tuned to our websiteWe are committed to keeping this great station alive to the best of our ability, thanks for your patience and understanding while we make some necessary adjustments in the coming days and weeks.

Have a VERY Safe, Special, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Much WIXY Love - from everyone at the Station.

TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Newsletter 12/20/2021: Coal for Christmas

To our loyal WIXY1260Online listeners and family,

First, let us wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe Holiday Season, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

Over the past 10 years, WIXY1260Online has been proud to bring back the fun of the WIXY golden era and the many great sounds of the 60’s & 70’s that have transported us to back a happier place in time when the music was as real as the love.

Today, we still love this music and have been fortunate to make many great new friends and re-connect with some old ones as well.  Our collective love of this music, and what WIXY 1260 represented for so many people in the Cleveland area, has been broadcast over the internet all over the U.S. and Canada, as well as during the dozens of great live events we’ve attended through the years.  So many of you have been supportive and gracious in recognizing our humble attempts to share this great music and these awesome memories with you, and it has made a bunch of us who pour our hearts and time into this, for free, all worthwhile.

Sadly, as greed continues to overtake our modern world, we've lost our licensing agreement with RadioCoalition because they decided to tell us on Dec. 8th they are going out of business at the end of 2021 (thanks for the timely notice!). This means we will no longer fall under their non-profit umbrella agreement with the PRO’s (Performance Rights Organizations), and we’ll now be subject to higher commercial licensing fees.  Until now, we have been thrilled to be able to hobble together our resources to be able to bring our listeners this music for no cost to the listeners.  Something most other broadcasters will find new and creative ways to charge you for and play endless commercials and a poor mix of music.  This is particularly unfair to us as we have prided ourselves in being unlike those paid services who drain your bank account.  We are dedicated to the fans and keeping the WIXY spirit alive, not a bottom line.

In the interim of implementing a longer-term strategy to move back to a non-commercial licensing arrangement, WIXY1260Online will be forced to take, at minimum, the following steps starting January 1, 2022, to mitigate the costs of broadcasting under a commercial license as follows:

  • Limit the hours during the month we broadcast.
  • Require listeners to register to listen (still free).
  • More commercials and non-music per hour.

We understand this notice is short and we are as unpleasantly surprised as you. We also know that these changes will cause disappointment on our fans.  Please don’t lose hope and stay tuned as we navigate the ‘Rocky River’ in our WIXY Amphicar to come back to providing you the same or even better level of entertainment and listening options in the future without begging for donations or charging a listening fee.


Gratefully yours,

TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Newsletter 11/23/2021: Turkey and Pie

Greetings WIXY Friends,

As we head into the holiday season, we wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving!  We are certainly thankful for such great listeners and all the friends (family) we have made along the way.  As you make you venture out to your holiday destinations, remember WIXY1260Online will be there wherever you go to celebrate with you, just download our free mobile apps and enjoy our high quality stream that uses minimal mobile data.  We don't eat a lot of data, just turkey and pie :-)

Upcoming Events

Check out our Happenings Page for ongoing updates, at or follow us on social media to stay connected!


As you start your holiday shopping, remember to treat your fellow WIXY fans to some cool gear by clicking on over to our Merchandise Page today.  

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online are still available! In addition to other positions, we are seeking motivated Sales people for WIXY and our partner, BGE Technologies.  This is a commission-paid opportunity! No prior experience in the radio industry is required. Follow the link to our application, here:

Happy Thanksgiving!
TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Newsletter 10/26/2021: TELL YOUR FRIENDS it's a real TREAT!  :-)

Hello Goblins & Ghouls,

Nothing scary going on here at WIXY1260Online, just great music as always.  Everyone at the station would like to wish you a Happy Halloween and hopes we can be the soundtrack for your activities.  

Upcoming Events

Check out our Happenings Page for ongoing updates, at or follow us on social media to stay connected!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online are still available! In addition to other positions, we are seeking motivated Sales people for WIXY and our partner, BGE Technologies.  This is a commission-paid opportunity! No prior experience in the radio industry is required. Follow the link to our application, here:

So this Halloween, don't be scared, the great sounds of the 60's & 70's can be heard 24/7/365 (including YOUR song requests) at WIXY1260Online! There are so many ways to listen, just visit our Listen Page for all the details, and remember... TELL YOUR FRIENDS it's a real TREAT!  :-)
TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Newsletter 9/16/2021: Fall-ing in Love All Over Again

Greetings Fellow Music Lovers,

As of September, WIXY1260Online officially turned 10 years old.  You might ask yourself, "What 10 year old likes Oldies Music?"  *giggles*  We do!  And with 10 years under our belts, we keep on looking for ways to improve and spread the 'Gospel' of this great music.  So get out there and tell your friends, enemies, and anyone with ears, it's time to fall in love over and over again with WIXY1260Online, The Internet's Best Oldies Station!  Give us your feedback and then forward this e-mail to everyone in your e-mail list to help spread the WIXY love!

Upcoming Events

Check out our Happenings Page for ongoing updates, at or follow us on social media to stay connected!

  • 9/25/2021: Roads Rails-n-Sales Join WIXY1260Online as we entertain guests of the "Roads-Rails-N-Sales" event being held Saturday, September 25th at the Black River Landing in Lorain, Ohio. From 10 am to 3 pm visitors will be treated to a host of spectacles, including a flea market and a Car, Truck and Motorcycle show. There will also be food trucks, raffles and a 50/50 with 100% of the proceeds going to ongoing restoration of Lorain's Caboose C-3855.  More info @
  • 9/26/2021: Remembering Euclid Beach Park Relive your memories of Cleveland's most beloved amusement park, Euclid Beach Park.  Join WIXY1260Online on Sunday, September 26 from 1-5 PM as we play the background music to help you in "Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park". We'll be broadcasting live from the old site of the park at 16301 Lake Shore Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44110 (at the Euclid Creek Reservation, Cleveland Metroparks).

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online are still available! In addition to other positions, we are seeking motivated Sales people for WIXY and our partner, BGE Technologies.  This is a commission-paid opportunity! No prior experience in the radio industry is required. Follow the link to our application, here:

Speaking of great volunteers, help us officially welcome Super Fan turned SuperMan, Keith Gehring, to the station.  Keith will be platooning with Shaggy on Saturday nights from 7-11 PM.  Learn about all of our great team members and apply to join us on our About page at
The leaves may start falling soon, but never leave the great music behind - download our FREE Mobile WIXY1260Online app from your app store today and have a jammin' fall.
TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Newsletter 8/3/2021: There's Still More to the Summer of Fun in 2021

Greetings Fellow WIXY-Rockers,

The Summer of Fun in 2021 is rocking along, and we have a great late-summer lineup of entertainment scheduled! The WIXY1260Online Super Team is excited to hang out with our fellow music enthusiasts and rock out to the classic songs, with memories that made WIXY radio one to remember!

Upcoming Events

Speaking of fun events, we have a truckload, with more coming soon! Check out our Happenings Page for ongoing updates, at or follow us on social media to stay connected!

  • 8/11/2021: Houlihan's Westlake Take that mid-week journey out to Houlihan’s in Westlake, Ohio August 11th August 11th from 4-8 PM as we rock the newly renovated outdoor patio at Houlihan’s in Westlake!
  • 8/14/2021: Mentor Cruise-In The party doesn’t stop there as the WIXY1260Online Crew takes a road trip out to Mentor August 14th for an outdoor adventure at the Wiseco Mentor Cruise-In! Join us at Mentor Cove Center Park from 10AM - 4PM where over 800 cars, 2,500 spectators, music, food and refreshments will be on hand for a rockin’ time! Best of all – it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE! Classic Cars, Door Prizes, Goody Bag & Dash Plaque (first 250) and the state of the art WIXY live music! Check out this link Cruiser registration details. The WIXY1260Online disc jockey booth and marketing table will be located in the center of the action at the venue ready to get loud!
  • 8/20/2021: A 60's Summer Happening Mark you calendars now for the Third Annual ‘A 60’s Summer Happening’ and see a great lineup featuring Custard Pie, Moxy, Liverpool Lads, and The AirChiefs. The venue is also hosting a silent auction which now includes exclusive albums from The Beatles! Keepin' the WIXY 1260 dream alive one memory at a time!
  • 8/27/2021: Seven Hills Home Days - Join us for a fun 3 day weekend of events at the City of Seven Hills, Ohio, complex.  More details are underway at 
  • 9/25/2021: Roads Rails-n-Sales Join WIXY1260Online as we entertain guests of the "Roads-Rails-N-Sales" event being held Saturday, September 25th at the Black River Landing in Lorain, Ohio. From 10 am to 3 pm, visitors will be treated to a host of spectacles, including a flea market and a Car, Truck and Motorcycle show. There will also be food trucks, raffles and a 50/50 with 100% of the proceeds going to ongoing restoration of Lorain's Caboose C-3855.  More info @
  • 9/26/2021: Remembering Euclid Beach Park Relive your memories of Cleveland's most beloved amusement park, Euclid Beach Park.  Join WIXY1260Online on Sunday, September 26 from 1-5 PM as we play the background music to help you in "Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park". We'll be broadcasting live from the old site of the park at 16301 Lake Shore Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44110 (at the Euclid Creek Reservation, Cleveland Metroparks).

Keep an eye out for additional on-site live entertainment events in the near future as WIXY1260Online unveils their new mobile studio! The WIXY1260Online Crew is movin’ up and makin’ moves! Hop aboard the WIXY train and keep on truckin!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online are available! Are you interested in being a disc jockey, event assistant, engineer, or sales assistant? The WIXY1260Online Super Team is currently accepting applications for talented individuals who are seeking a volunteer position with a winning organization! No prior experience in the radio industry is required! We look forward to meeting you! Follow the link to our application, here:

And, let’s give a warm WIXY1260Online welcome to our newest WIXY SuperMen! Tune in to the ‘Tye Dye Guy’ on Thursdays from 2-6PM and ‘The Voice’ Don Woods Sunday 4-8PM.

Mike Meszaros
Communications Analyst & Secretary to Management
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Newsletter 7/1/2021: Happy Independence Day!

Happy 'Summer of Fun in 2021' fellow WIXY-ites!  

The WIXY Super Team is rolling along this summer to some fun events, we hope you can join us!  If you can't, remember you can take us on your summer travels or staycations by downloading our free Mobile apps.  With the 4th of July holiday being celebrated more openly across the country, we want to remind everyone to exercise good judgment in keeping yourself, family, friends, and pets safe from the dangers of fireworks - because we love our WIXY Family, here are some safety tips.  Let's all enjoy the fireworks and festivities while celebrating our country's birthday and rocking along to the internet's best oldies station!  Crank us up at your parties, we got the music to keep your spirits high.

Upcoming Events

Speaking of fun events, we have a truckload, with more coming soon! Check out our Happenings Page for ongoing updates, at or follow us on social media to stay connected!

7/14/2021: Houlihan's Westlake
8/11/2021: Houlihan's Westlake
8/14/2021: Mentor Cruise-In
8/20/2021: A 60's Summer Happening
9/25/2021: Roads Rails-n-Sales

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online are available!

Are you interested in being a disc jockey, event assistant, engineer, or sales assistant? The WIXY1260Online Super Team is currently accepting applications for talented individuals who are seeking a volunteer position with a winning organization! No prior experience in the radio industry is required! We look forward to meeting you! Follow the link to our application, here:

Happy Holiday Weekend, friends!
TJ Chizmar
Office Manager, Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Newsletter 6/3/2021: Summer of Fun '21

Happy Summer of Fun in '21, WIXY Fans!

As promised in our last Newsletter, WIXY1260Online will be hitting the road this summer with great live entertainment in the Greater Cleveland area.  We are especially excited as we roll out with our new mobile studios!  Be on the lookout for the WIXY Super Team and our new mobile studio in the coming weeks and months.  WIXY1260Online's "Summer of Fun '21" is the perfect way to make up for all the time and fun we lost last year due to the pandemic.

Upcoming Events

Speaking of upcoming events, we have a boatload, with more coming soon! But you're going to wanna dock that boat and join us!  Check out our Happenings Page for on-going updates, at to stay connected!

6/16/2021: Houlihan's Westlake
7/14/2021: Houlihan's Westlake
8/11/2021: Houlihan's Westlake
8/14/2021: Mentor Cruise-In
8/20/2021: A 60's Summer Happening
9/25/2021: Roads Rails-n-Sales

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online are available!

Are you interested in being a disc jockey, promotions assistant, engineer,, or sales assistant? The WIXY1260Online Super Team is currently accepting applications for talented individuals who are seeking a volunteer position with a winning organization! No prior experience in the radio industry is required! Fill out our application -  we look forward to meeting you! Follow the link to our application, here:

WIXY1260Online’s Adds Another SuperMan

Don Woods (aka "The Voice") comes to us with a life-long passion for music, focusing on the golden age of rock, the 60's and 70's. Growing up in Dayton, Ohio, his go-to station was WING 1410, with a Top 40 format similar to WIXY1260. After spending the last 35 years in Cleveland, he is proud to call Cleveland home! After raising two children with strong interests in music, he became involved with their high school music program, and has been "The Voice" of the Olmsted Falls Marching Band for the last 7 years. Don believes that music is the key to peace, and looks forward to building an audience on his Sunday 4-8 PM slot, and being active in the live events across WIXY-land with the rest of the WIXY1260Online Crew.

Mike Meszaros
Communications Analyst & Secretary to Management
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Newsletter 4/13/2021: Survey Says

Salutations WIXY Friends,

Spring has sprung and summer is right around the corner! The warmer weather means WIXY1260Online will be hitting the road this summer with great live entertainment events in the Greater Cleveland area, enthusiastic on-air talent and the WIXY sound YOU made famous! Stay plugged to everything WIXY though our growing Facebook, Twitter and website feeds. The fun doesn’t stop there! The WIXY1260Online Super Team is calling YOU for your thoughts, concerns and comments regarding what we do every day over the air and out n about! We are curious to learn about our listeners! Follow the link for more! 

Upcoming Events

WIXY1260Online is taking the music, memories and everything WIXY out for exclusive live entertainment events. Take the WIXY stroll and get ready to jam with us at select locations for a super outing! (P.S. more events to be added soon!) Check out our Happenings Page to stay connected! 

8/20/21: A 60’s Summer Happening 

8/14/21: Mentor Cruise-In 

9/25/21: Roads, Rails & Sales

Volunteer Opportunities with WIXY1260Online

Are you interested in being an on-air disc jockey, promotions assistant, sales or engineer role? The WIXY1260Online Super Team is currently accepting applications for talented individuals who are seeking a volunteer position with a winning organization! No prior experience in the radio industry is required! Fill out our application and we look forward to connecting with you! Follow the link to our application!  

WIXY1260Online’s Newest Superstar

WIXY1260Online has gained a super pup to our growing groovy team! Cody is a three-month-old German Shepard, and his favorite activity is playing fetch and greeting fellow WIXY staff around the studio! Cody is a cute, energetic and spunky pup to be around. The pup is ready to take on the world and be the best WIXY mascot! 

Mike Meszaros
Communications Analyst & Secretary to Management | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Newsletter 2/24/2021: A Fond Farewell

Greetings WIXY Friends,

We hope your winter isn't treating you too badly, and we're looking to warmer days ahead and a Covid-Free future.  In the meantime, our DJs are here rocking the days away until we're back out and about.  Speaking of which, we've already started planning some great events, so stay dialed in to our website and keep on listening!


WIXY1260Online is stepping out and we hope you can join us at the remote events and for some special studio shows as follows...

3/5/2021: ChickenMan House Party @ Suds Maguires
3/12/2021: ChickenMan House Party w/ Special Guests from The Outsiders
3/19/2021: ChickenMan House Party w/ Special Guests from The Outsiders
8/20/2021: A 60's Summer Happening


Looking to drum up sales for your business?  WIXY1260Online has great advertising options for every budget.  Check out the details here! And remember, our great sponsors help keep WIXY1260Online listening free and fun for everyone.

This time around we're tipping our hat to our sponsor, Suds Maguires.  Check out their webpage today for directions, menus and take-out or dine-in options.


The last few months have taken their toll on the WIXY family as we have lost both of our furry companions.  In December we lost our long-time Black Lab Mascot, Freddie, to old age.  Fred was a connoisseur of dog treats and people-food alike and always kept the studio floors clean from crumbs.  This past week we also lost our German Shepherd Security Guard, Blake, who departed us at only 6 years old after a bout with a brain tumor and seizures.  Blake was quick to greet all incoming DJs and guests with a scary bark, at least until the dog treats and hugs & kisses came his way.   So this winter and year round, remember to give your pets all the love you can because you never know when that difficult day will come.  These boys were a great part of our family and they are fondly remembered and greatly missed.

Thanks for tuning in and thanks for all your support - we look forward to a fun 2021!

TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Newsletter 1/4/2021: And So It Begins!

Happy 2021 WIXY Fans!

Just a quick note to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season and you are as happy as us to look at 2020 in the rear view mirror (and throw it in reverse and run it over!)  Well, better yet, we'll just go full blast ahead and crank up the volume on the free and easy to use WIXY1260Online Mobile App!

So, What's Next?

We are committed to keeping you entertained at no cost to you and making sure we do it with 55+ minutes of music every hour.  Because of the uncertainty surrounding COVID and how soon things will resemble some sort of normal, we do not currently have any remote events to announce :-(  However, we will continue to be creative with 'virtual' events like Ray King's recent New Year's Eve show and our visit from Billy Bass, Larry Morrow and the other famous WIXY folks who joined us via Skype for our Special 55th WIXY 1260 Anniversary Show (videos here). 

T-Shirt Stimulus

WIXY1260Online is doing its part to keep your music free and your memories fun.  As a special thanks to our fans, we're extending our $10 Unisex Tee Shirt Sale for a bit longer.  Grab yours today to help us spread the word and keep this awesome music rockin' well into the future.

Happy 2021 and many warm regards!


TJ Chizmar
Assistant General Manager,  Webmaster & Communications Director
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.