Greetings WIXY Friends,
We hope your winter isn't treating you too badly, and we're looking to warmer days ahead and a Covid-Free future. In the meantime, our DJs are here rocking the days away until we're back out and about. Speaking of which, we've already started planning some great events, so stay dialed in to our website and keep on listening!
WIXY1260Online is stepping out and we hope you can join us at the remote events and for some special studio shows as follows...
3/5/2021: ChickenMan House Party @ Suds Maguires
3/12/2021: ChickenMan House Party w/ Special Guests from The Outsiders
3/19/2021: ChickenMan House Party w/ Special Guests from The Outsiders
8/20/2021: A 60's Summer Happening
Looking to drum up sales for your business? WIXY1260Online has great advertising options for every budget. Check out the details here! And remember, our great sponsors help keep WIXY1260Online listening free and fun for everyone.
This time around we're tipping our hat to our sponsor, Suds Maguires. Check out their webpage today for directions, menus and take-out or dine-in options.
The last few months have taken their toll on the WIXY family as we have lost both of our furry companions. In December we lost our long-time Black Lab Mascot, Freddie, to old age. Fred was a connoisseur of dog treats and people-food alike and always kept the studio floors clean from crumbs. This past week we also lost our German Shepherd Security Guard, Blake, who departed us at only 6 years old after a bout with a brain tumor and seizures. Blake was quick to greet all incoming DJs and guests with a scary bark, at least until the dog treats and hugs & kisses came his way. So this winter and year round, remember to give your pets all the love you can because you never know when that difficult day will come. These boys were a great part of our family and they are fondly remembered and greatly missed.
Thanks for tuning in and thanks for all your support - we look forward to a fun 2021!
Assistant General Manager, Webmaster & Communications Director