Greetings WIXY Summer Lovers,
While the heat may be on in full-force, you're always guaranteed the COOLEST WIXY DJ's & your favorite WIXY-ERA music. Hang with us and keep it cool wherever you go... the pool, the lake, the ocean, or even with your head in the freezer :-)
Over the past few months, we've added some new family members to our team. Please give a warm welcome, if you haven't already, to new SuperMen Gene Hass (showtimes TBA) and Ray Carr (Thursdays, 2-6 PM). Both add great enthusiasm to the Station and are excited to embrace you, the WIXY Fans, we all love. This is in addition to newer team members Jimmy Kaye (Fridays, 10 AM-2 PM), and The TyeDye Guy (Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 2-6 PM). Visit our About Page to learn more about all of our great team.
Click the "Join Our Team" button on either the About Page or Contact Page of the website if you're interested in joining in the fun.
"COMING TO YOU IN 2022"... More great live events still coming!
Be sure to follow the Happenings Section of our website (or our Facebook page) for more event details as they are added:
7/22-24/2022: City of Seven Hills Home Days
8/5/2022: A 60's Summer Happening
8/13/2022: Mentor Cruise-In
8/20/2022: Kids That Grew Up in Brook Park in the 60's & 70's
Remember... Avoid missing out on the music you love! Visit our website regularly for all the latest updates on how to keep on listening. Our listening links and helpful listening instructions will keep you rocking. The WIXY1260Online website is updated regularly and is your one-stop to all things WIXY1260Online - bookmark us today!
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst