Greetings WIXY Family,
We just want to take this opportunity to thank all of our listeners and fans for another fantastic year. May your bellies be full and your waistlines shrink. However you celebrate, we hope your Thanksgiving is filled with great food, great health, and of course, the great music of!
Another big thanks to all of our volunteers who make this fun venture possible. We all love what we do here, and we're thankful that we have fans like you to make this all worthwhile.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at WIXY1260Online!
P.S. Get a jump on your holiday shopping with some great WIXY 1260 gear on our Merchandise Page!
TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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