Friday, December 29, 2023

Newsletter 12/29/2023: Dead Christmas Trees

Hello WIXY Fans,

We hope your holiday season has gone well and you are all ready to ring in the new year.  Here at the Larry Morrow Studios (recently dedicated to the legend himself) we've seen another year fly by.  We're happy to report 2023 was a great year again for the station as our listenership continues its steady upward climb and our fans continue to increase in number.  Sadly, the pretty decorations that come with the holidays are beginning to come down and it won't be long before you see a bunch of dead Christmas trees on the curb.  Our own Santa (The Old TyeDye Guy) has taken the sleigh south to Florida until early Spring, and he took his studio decorations with him :-( we miss him already.  Not to fear though, Victor Tango will keep his seat warm (and our Thursday 10-2 slot going) until he gets back.

Remember to follow us on Facebook, or right on our website at - your one-stop shop for all things WIXY.  While we've been quiet as far as events go as of late, we're resting up and catching our collective breaths as we get ready for another year of fun events across Northeast Ohio, including the 2024 IX Piston Powered Auto-Rama (more details soon!)

We're pretty nostalgic at WIXY1260Online, (the best music still reigns supreme right here with us), but we're kinda sad to see all the holiday music and festivities go.  However, we know 2024 has a lot more fun in store, so stay tuned, stay healthy, and keep spreading the good word of WIXY.

Much WIXY love and wishes for a Happy New Year ahead!

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

WIXY Special Spooky Update - 10/22/2023

Hello WIXY Ghoulishly Fun Fans!

WIXY1260Online has some special spookiness in store this year.  Read on for all the scary fun stuff:

WIXY HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREAT 2023 | Oct. 16-30, 2023

Brought to You by the “Out to Lunch Bunch” of WIXY1260Online (our weekday noon-time DJs: Dave Ryder, Scooter, Old TyeDye Guy and Jimmy Kaye.)

WIXY1260 is Flying High on the Witches Broom stick, into the Halloween Season with a chance for YOU to WIN!

Win What? ... Trick or Treat Candy, of course!

We've stocked up our coffins with the old favorites that you might have gotten 'Trick or Treating' from the heyday of WIXY 1260. We've carefully packed the goodies into Trick or Treat containers, and the winners will get to rummage through it and enjoy all those treasures and excitements, just like you did after a night of Trick or Treating.

We will even post some of the items in the Halloween Containers next week. After all, Halloween is a time of suspense so we will keep you on edge.

How to Enter:

    1. Go to the page.
    2. On the top right click on: CONTACT, then click on: SONG REQUEST
    3. Fill out a song request form, making sure that you include:
    4. YOUR NAME
    6. YOUR E-MAIL  (we have to be able to reach you if you are a winner)

The usual terms and conditions apply:

    • You may enter once a day.
    • You may only enter under your own identity. (No Aliases for more chances to win)
    • One Winner per household.

All names will be entered into a Witches Cauldron, and the winning names (there will be more than one winner) will be drawn on Monday, October 30th 2023.

Contest begins on Monday October 16th, 2023, and ends on Saturday October 28th, 2023.

The winners will be announced during the Monday, October 30th Show, during the Lunch Hour.



  • Ray T. will don his Vampire gear once again as he hosts his now WIXY legend, "Vampire of Vintage Vinyl" show from 10 AM-2 PM.
  • Join Ray King from 3-6 PM he hosts original WIXY 1260 DJs Larry Morrow & Billy Bass!  Larry & Billy will be rocking your Halloween with those howling good tunes of the WIXY golden era... no bones about it!
  • Then, stick around from 7-11 PM for a special Halloween Edition of Keith Gehring's Saturday Night Party.  The WIXY1260Online crew will be partying at the studios and haunting the airwaves to help everyone get 'in the spirit'.

So, don't 'ghost' us and not show up.  We hope you will join us for all our wicked good fun!

Now, go rattle those bones, break free from your shackles, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Newsletter 9/18/2023: Pumpkin Spice Indigestion

Greetings WIXY Warriors!

It's been one heck of a summer, and boy did it go by fast!  The kiddos are back in school, the leaves will be changing soon, and the plethora of pumpkin spice flavored things are already popping up everywhere.

The good news is we have two more awesome outdoor events on the docket for this weekend! Be sure to catch the last few days of our scheduled summer activities before you have to go inside and crank up the thermostat.


9/23/23: Roads, Rails & Sales
9/24/23: Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park

We will have some more fun (indoor) events in the near future to tell you about, and we've already starting booking events for the new year.  If you have a gathering or special event you'd like to bring our awesome mix of songs (and fun DJs) to, hop over to our website's Contact Page today and get in touch!

Now go back outside and enjoy the last of the good weather (with your Smartphone tuned into the WIXY1260Online Apps, of course), and we will see you soon!

Much WIXY Love!

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Newsletter 7/20/2023: On a Carousel

Hello Fellow WIXY Summer Lovers,

We hope your Summer is going great and you're enjoying our new advertisement-free format while listening out there by the pool, beach, bbq, or patio... or even a nicely cooled house.  Our DJs and Staff are sweating it out to bring you a bunch of hot events all over the area, so be sure to hang out with us on our crazy carousel (nod to our Euclid Beach Park friends).


7/22/23 to 7/23/23: WRHS Euclid Beach Park Days
7/28/23: Cleveland Hullabaloo
8/4/23: Brunswick High School Alumni Event
8/11/23: Red Circle Bar & Lanes
8/12/23: Mentor Cruise-In
8/18/23A 60's Summer Happening (ticket link)
8/19/23: Kids that Grew Up in Brook Park in the 60's & 70's
9/23/23: Roads, Rails & Sales
9/24/23: Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park

No other station, internet or otherwise, brings you this much Summer Fun, all for FREE and now, NO COMMERCIALS!  We've got the best free Mobile apps too because our sound quality is superior and our data consumption is well below the industry standard.  No need to worry about running out your data plan on your mobile phones while listening on the go... and get just as awesome sound quality.

Visit our website today for links to follow us on social media, links to our free Mobile apps, and the most up-to-date listings of upcoming Happenings and live shows.  AND REMEMBER TO SPREAD THE WORD (and then show off your WIXY love by stopping by our Merchandise page).

***AND, before you go, PLEASE help our awesome rockin' friends, The Outsiders, by voting for them for a much deserved opportunity to perform on a national venue & win $$.  Show some love, it only takes a few minutes.*** (VOTE NOW) ***

Now hop back on that carousel and crank up the tunes!

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Newsletter 5/23/2023: Summer of Fun

Greetings WIXY Summer Lovers,

We are about as thrilled as anyone that Winter seems to have finally made an exit, stage left.  This is good, because we're going to be occupying that stage a lot this Summer.  The WIXY1260Online Super Team will be hustling and bustling all over Northeast Ohio with a bunch of great events in tow in our WIXY Mobile Music Machine.  So get your pencils, pens, typewriters, computers, smartphones, iPads, or crayons ready because you need to mark these dates down:

5/26/23: Red Circle Bar & Lanes
5/27/23: Hungarian Reformed Church Fundraiser
6/03/23: Hullabaloo Seven Hills
7/22/23 to 7/23/23: WRHS Euclid Beach Park Days
8/4/23: Brunswick High School Alumni Event
8/12/23: Mentor Cruise-In
8/18/23A 60's Summer Happening
8/19/23: Kids that Grew Up in Brook Park in the 60's & 70's
9/23/23: Roads, Rails & Sales
9/24/23: Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park

P.S.  You could just print this e-mail out, if that's your thing... 

Anyways, we hope you can join us for all the fun, or at least some of it!  We're the station that is as mobile as you are, with events all over Northeast Ohio, our free mobile apps, and of course our rockin' WIXY Staff.  Keep up with all these events on our Official Facebook Page and the Happenings Section of

Other Stuff

  • If you haven't checked out our Merchandise Page lately, now is a great time.  We have a great new ceramic mug we added to the lineup this year which highlights our love of our favorite Band, The Outsiders.  These go-juice holders are just $6.00 (plus shipping).
  • We want to send a shout out to our awesome sponsors, The Euclid Beach Park Now Organization, for all their support and mentorship.  We've got two GREAT events lined up in partnership with them this Summer (see above.)

From everyone at WIXY1260Online, we want to wish you a safe and fun Spring & Summer.

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Newsletter 4/26/2023: Bring On the Sunshine

Greetings WIXY-Land,

As we write to you from 'The Land' (our Clevelanders know what that means) we also spread our joy to WIXY-Land, all over North America.  Here in these 'lands', we eagerly await the real Spring weather that seems to keep teasing us over the past several weeks, and we're ready for Mother Nature to bring on that Sunshine!  Why? Because we have lots of fun planned this year, and we want everyone to be able to join us at our groovy events!

Check out our events in the Happenings Section of our website for the latest updates, here's what we have so far...

5/12/23: Suds Maguire's
5/26/23: Red Circle Bar & Lanes
5/27/23: Hungarian Reformed Church Fundraiser
7/22/23 to 7/23/23: WRHS Euclid Beach Park Days
8/12/23: Mentor Cruise-In
8/18/23A 60's Summer Happening
9/23/23: Roads, Rails & Sales
9/24/23: Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park

In addition to our upcoming events, we invite you to hop over to our Merchandise Page to stock up on WIXY gear and check out our new coffee mugs (a real must-have for Mother's Day, ahem!).
Now you get the customary reminders to tell your friends, clear your calendars to be sure to join us, and download our free apple or android mobile app!
From all of us at WIXY1260Online, Rock on, all over the land!
TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Newsletter 3/27/2023: Spring Into Action!

Howdy WIXY-ites,

We'll keep this month's newsletter brief.  We've gone crazy with our 2023 event plans and need your help spreading the word.  AND... we'd love to see you out at them *wink*

This coming weekend is our biggest annual event, the IX Piston Powered Auto Rama.  Be sure to join us for all the fun & amazing exhibitors.  Meet the WIXY crew, request a song or two, relax in our Relaxation Station, or grab a WIXY shirt, or two! 

Here are all of our upcoming events, thus far:

3/31/23 to 4/2/23IX Piston Powered Auto Rama
4/14/23: Red Circle Bar & Lanes
5/12/23: Suds Maguire's
7/22/23 to 7/23/23: WRHS Euclid Beach Park Days
8/12/23: Mentor Cruise-In
8/18/23A 60's Summer Happening
9/23/23: Roads, Rails & Sales
9/24/23: Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park

Now go Spring into action, and remember to take us wherever you go with our free mobile apps!  And, visit our refreshed website at!

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message. We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Newsletter 2/20/2023: Is it Spring Yet?

Greetings WIXY Faithful,

It's been a little while since we last checked in on y'all - we hope your New Year is off to a great start.  Things at the station have been relatively calm, if that's a word we can use :-) ~~  But we're starting to get the itch to pull out the WIXY Mobile Studio and get rolling again around Northeast Ohio.  While we curse that groundhog who condemned us to 6 more weeks of winter, we've been working on our setup plans for this year's happenings.  Check out what we've got so far...


There is a lot more to come, so keep your ears open and eyes peeled and tune-in to the station, and keep watching your mailbox and our Facebook page... and remember to TELL YOUR FRIENDS!


We are thrilled to welcome back WIXY Alum, Lisa Jordan!  As many of you may remember, Lisa was WIXY's first female DJ and she is making her triumphant return to the airwaves on Saturdays starting this Spring (as her availability permits).  Lisa is a doting grandma who never lost that hip rock & roll rhythm, and we couldn't be more happy to welcome her back to the family. Stay tuned to the Happenings Section of our website or our Facebook page for updates to when she will be on the air.  She'll also be at this year's IX Piston Powered Auto Rama, so be sure to stop by and say hi!
With the help and guidance from our super-awesome friends at Euclid Beach Park Now, WIXY1260Online is now a registered non-profit organization.  Our mission is to preserve this great music and all the memories of the golden WIXY Era.  Because of this, you or your organization can become a sponsor with your tax-deductible donations.  Your support makes sure our mission goes on.  At WIXY1260Online, we've always been about the music and not corporate profits.  There is enough greed in the media and, since the beginning, we've dared to be different.  Contact our dedicated sales staff today by completing our Contact Form, or call our Business Line at 440-882-3050 today.
So, until the last snowflake has fallen (although we've been mostly lucky this Winter with an unusually light snowfall amount), keep warm, and KEEP ON ROCKIN' WITH WIXY1260Online!! 
Peace, Love & Rock 'n Roll!
TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
You are receiving this message because you subscribed to our mailing list.  To unsubscribe, reply with Unsubscribe in your message.  We respect your privacy and NEVER share your info with anyone for any reason, and we never flood your e-mailbox.