Thursday, July 20, 2023

Newsletter 7/20/2023: On a Carousel

Hello Fellow WIXY Summer Lovers,

We hope your Summer is going great and you're enjoying our new advertisement-free format while listening out there by the pool, beach, bbq, or patio... or even a nicely cooled house.  Our DJs and Staff are sweating it out to bring you a bunch of hot events all over the area, so be sure to hang out with us on our crazy carousel (nod to our Euclid Beach Park friends).


7/22/23 to 7/23/23: WRHS Euclid Beach Park Days
7/28/23: Cleveland Hullabaloo
8/4/23: Brunswick High School Alumni Event
8/11/23: Red Circle Bar & Lanes
8/12/23: Mentor Cruise-In
8/18/23A 60's Summer Happening (ticket link)
8/19/23: Kids that Grew Up in Brook Park in the 60's & 70's
9/23/23: Roads, Rails & Sales
9/24/23: Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park

No other station, internet or otherwise, brings you this much Summer Fun, all for FREE and now, NO COMMERCIALS!  We've got the best free Mobile apps too because our sound quality is superior and our data consumption is well below the industry standard.  No need to worry about running out your data plan on your mobile phones while listening on the go... and get just as awesome sound quality.

Visit our website today for links to follow us on social media, links to our free Mobile apps, and the most up-to-date listings of upcoming Happenings and live shows.  AND REMEMBER TO SPREAD THE WORD (and then show off your WIXY love by stopping by our Merchandise page).

***AND, before you go, PLEASE help our awesome rockin' friends, The Outsiders, by voting for them for a much deserved opportunity to perform on a national venue & win $$.  Show some love, it only takes a few minutes.*** (VOTE NOW) ***

Now hop back on that carousel and crank up the tunes!

TJ Chizmar
Webmaster; Operations & Communications Analyst
WIXY1260Online | Business: 440-882-3050 | Studio: 216-744-9499
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